My Work in TheBrightonBlade

Note: This year, I’ve teamed up with the community newspaper, The Brighton Blade, in providing photos and even coverage on many events that occurred in Brighton this year. I’ve become close partners with local reporter, Steve Smith, in providing the community with the coverage they need. Below, is two of the pages that were printed in The Brighton Blade that I helped create.

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Note: When Smith couldn’t make it to our rivalry soccer game, he sent me on the assignment to cover the game for The Brighton Blade. I needed to not only cover the game for the Blade, but I also needed to cover the game for my publication, since I knew this would be a big story. I took photos of both teams while providing live tweets of the contest for those who weren’t able to attend but wanted to follow along. I also provided stats for Smith so that he could write an article in the upcoming edition of the paper.


Note: Once again, when Smith needed the night off, he asked if I could cover the rivalry wrestling match. He also notified me that our head coach, the 5A CHSAA Wrestling Coach of the Year would be finally receiving a ceremony for all his great work, including bringing 14 wrestlers to wrestle at state, a Colorado Wrestling record. I covered not only the match but the ceremony that occurred before and provided Smith information he needed to write the article the day after.